In a situation that has been causing speculation about his relationship with his wife Dhanashree VermaIndian cricket team Yuzvendra Chahal shared a post on social media that has left fans in awe. The note, which contained an explanatory note “True love is rare. Hello, my name is 'Rare',” accompanied by a picture of Chahal looking pensive. This has made many people wonder about the status of their marriage, especially because of the recent divorce rumors.
Rumor history
The couple has been at the center of intense scrutiny for the past few weeks, especially after they unfollowed each other on Instagram and Chahal deleted all photos of Dhanashree from his profile. This led to many people questioning their marital status, with fans and the media questioning whether their relationship was on the wrong side. Although Dhanashree has also kept pictures with Chahal on her account, the couple's social media activity has fueled talk of a possible separation.
Responding to the swirling rumours, both Chahal and Dhanashree have previously discussed the matter. Dhanashree took to her Instagram Stories earlier this month to express her frustration “baseless articles” and “character assassination” online troll. He emphasized that his silence should not be taken as weakness and reaffirmed his commitment to his values.
Also READ: Dhanashree Verma scoffs amid Yuzvendra Chahal divorce rumors
Comment by RJ Mahvash
In addition to acting, a famous radio jockey RJ Mahvash he commented on Chahal's recent comment, fueling the emotional flames. His comment said, “Caption is fire,” he impressed the fans who have been closely following the family's life. Mahvash's statement reflects the sentiments of many who want to clarify the relationship between Chahal and Dhanashree.
The fans respond
Fans have taken to social media to share their thoughts on the matter, with many expressing their concern for the couple and asking them to put an end to the rumors directly. Comments like We just want to know what's going on! and “Please don't let this be true!” it shows that the followers are committed to their relationship and are expecting a resolution.
The couple, who got married in December 2020 after a brief relationship, often share their lives together on social media, which made their silence surprising.