Callum Simpson can be the next Super-Middle Star Britain, says George Groves | Boxing News

From George Groves Pejica, James Degale and Carl Froch, Britain waited for his next super-middle star.

But Grobes believes that British and Commonwealth Champion Calpson Simpson could follow in his feet.

“He already had a huge next. He will take care of that regard because it is commercially valuable. People Barnsley are behind him, and above him,” said Sky Sports.

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Simpson gets a controversial victory of who's against Woodoll after the judge stops, in the second round

“I think he passes through the levels that will only get bigger. From what I saw for Callum Simpson, I really like it. I like his attitude. I like his attitude.

“He somehow broke on the scene late. He's not like an amateur star who even seen him even, they talk about him. So I also respect it. I like it.

“You would fight to say Callum Simpson can come to the very top because he didn't give us a reason to doubt it. We just want to see him in bigger fighting.”

Simpson, only three weeks after the last fight, accepts a short-term allocation for defending the title of Commonwealth against Elvis Ahorgah on Saturday, live in this Arena Wembley Sky Sports.

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Simpson and Mark Jeffers talked about whether to fight with each other in the future, provided both of the winning from their next pain

“I think this is great. One's loss is someone's gain. Perhaps the Riley Hamberlain-Viddal Wailey came to recently,” they recently carried out in the last month, “Callum had recently passed.” “Groves said.

If he wins Simpson will look for the box at the Oakwell Stadium in Barnsley later this year. With his popularity, Simpson may not even need a kind of trunk in which Grovenians had with degale and frozen.

“Keep that momentum and a huge struggle in Oakwell. I will need a serious struggle for it. It doesn't necessarily have to be a rival or a big name or what it needs to be sold. But I like it,” Groves said.

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Watch the classic encounter with “Ringside” since 2013. year when Carl Froch and George Groves clashed in front of its epic first fight

Can he become a new George Groves? “He could be,” Grapes himself said. “It's a little too beautiful.

“You need people who don't deserve to be in front of you randomly in front of you to get George Groves out,” he added with laughter. “And then he shines a knife! But we may not see that with Callum.”

Watch Simpson vs Ahorgah this Saturday live Sky Sports

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