Recently, former Indian cricketer Harbhajan Singh has addressed the long-running rumors about a rift between him and Ravichandran Ashwin. The speculation came to the fore following Ashwin's unexpected retirement announcement, which brought a chapter to one of the most successful careers in Indian cricket.
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Ashwin, who recently announced his retirement from international cricket after the Gabba Test against Australia, he has been a key player in India's spin bowling line-up. His career, which spanned a decade, saw him cross paths with Harbhajan, another spinner known for his ferocity and contribution to the Indian cricket game. Over the years, comparisons between the departing couple cannot be avoided, leading to rumors of disagreements, especially on social media.
Also READ: Ravichandran Ashwin makes a splash on television after retirement
Harbhajan Singh talks about Ashwin's disagreement rumours
In a candid video posted on his YouTube channel, Harbhajan tried to set the record straight. He began by appreciating Ashwin's achievements, mentioning how special Ashwin was in Team India and was happy for the success of the Chennai-born cricketer. Harbhajan felt that if there was any problem between him and Ashwin, he would be the first to sort things out but that was not the case.
“He has been an amazing player for India. I am very happy for his success. If there is any misunderstanding between me and Ashwin or if there is any fight, argument or disagreement, I would be the first person to go to him and ask what is the matter. But that was not the case. , and it will not be like this,” said Harbhajan on his YouTube channel, stressing that any speculation about personal conflicts is baseless.
He also explained that his comments, which often criticized Indian culture, were misconstrued as criticism of Ashwin.
“If people twist things on Twitter and make it seem like I have a problem with Ashwin, that's their opinion. I'm saying a little bit that the pitches where Indian cricket is played are not good,” Harbhajan added.