J&K pacer Umar Nazir Mir reveals why he refused to celebrate the prized scalp of Mumbai’s Rohit Sharma in Ranji Trophy

An India Country Rohit SharmaRestores of a lot of land in the home partner cut shortly with the cheapest removal in Ranza Fropos on January 23. Representative BumbaiRoohit does not appear in the stress Jammi and Kashmir assistant Uzar Nazir Mirtightened. In 6 games, Rohit uses it freely to a tall ball from the Nazis and put it, and work simple Pareas Dogra. Rihit's Fits Went to fight against war, leaving fans and pressure from his features in front of coming.

The most memorable nazir

For Jamio and Kashmir Perser Nazi, Rohit Wicks was a moment of definition. Nazi, who maintained a tight line with its height, do not just remove Indian capablity and also rejected three other hundred horse, plus AJinkya Rahaane with Shivam dube. His bad conditions made sure that Jammi and Kashmir competed in bounds. However, it was removed from rohit Rohit, one of the most rasoms in the world, which stopped as an overall of the day.

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Here's exposed to the reason he didn't celebrate the Rohit WITHIT

Although many runners would celebrate the louder after removing rohit house, Nazir decided to be written. In speaking with media after 1 day, Nazi reported that the idea of ​​the Rohit Wicket was left out from his girls in India.

Just as just as Rohit claims, the Nazi saw it was necessary to honor rather than enjoy a player who followed them. He also explained that having the opportunity to succeed in this game can be very proud of him and his organization, especially the meaning of India's armor.

“The first idea of ​​my mind was … I'm a lovely rhit, and therefore I didn't celebrate it. If we win the game, it may be time to pride because of India playing opponents,” Said Nazir.

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