From Mayanti Langer to Sahiba Bali: Full list of anchors and presenters for the Champions Trophy 2025

A ICC0S Falling on February 19, New Zealand conquered Pakistan, where the land of Karachi was.

Progress, cricket fans are eagerly awaiting, not only matches and a great availability that is provided by the string cable and donations. Exercise, expensive in India, has solved a variety of collectors to pick audience in different languages.

Here are the anglics with thc collections of Thc ACCY Amphy 2025:

English: Lead to reading English and Tinti Langer Anny with Stain Stainidentified due to the intervention of a story with the late Cricket's end information. Controls the observers via the contest, to ensure that they are informed and entertained.

Stain Stain
Week Bali (PC: X)

Hindi: In Hindi, jainati sapprincip to take a bomber like an anchor. Saphri is known for his strong presentation and the ability to communicate with fans, and make him deserving of the most popular things.

Akash chopped and jatin sapru
Akash chopla with jatin Sapru (PC: X)

Read: Triedes Skophy 2025 – Department, LIVE DAYS | When and where you can check in India, Pakistan, USA, Other, other countries

Tamil: Tamil team boasts multiple:

  • Bhavna Balkishnan: The gamer of sports, brings attention to the notice of its veil.
  • Mutrameraman Ramachndran: Is known by its highlighting skills, will review in a playful examination.
  • After Ethan: It is a solid foundation in the ricket on comments, surrounding a tamil team.
  • The Oceo Wathear: The rider in a game of games, the one who is responsible for a good idea.
The Anawear (PC: X)

TELUGU: To the audience audience teachers, the following major labels:

  • NC Kashik: A common feature of a game, it is known for doing good things.
  • Wildness: The main publisher who adds to the depths.
  • Prathyusha Bedhu: Anonymous for his vibrarant's personality and stupid reviews.
  • Mariishishishishishe: To bring its special beauty.
Help Vishaka
Marlyishishishishishish (PC: X)

Kannada: A category of kannada also included:

  • Kiran Srinivas: A darling image in a sports game.
  • Madhu Magany: The famous opponent who provides discernment skills.
  • Roothhh Strety: Known for his strong form.
Tilags Varma, Roopeshh Heetty
Tilak Varma, Rooh Hettty (PC: X)

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